Monday 10 February 2014

A Late "This Was How My Christmas/New Year's went" post

Right, it's been a while, such a while that it was before Christmas when I last posted! I'm eager to keep this up on a more regular basis.

Just before Christmas it's nanny's birthday, and she loves this posh restaurant in Wymondham called Number 24, my god they do amazing roasts/Christmas dinners. That was also a family togetherness overload. Loved it. 

Then there's the annual Christmas cousins cinema trip! It all started when we were little people back in the 90s when our aunty would treat us to a cinema trip once a year around Christmas; so since she moved to Australia we've amazingly kept the tradition up since!! Aaand because the aunty came 'home' for the first time in 5 years, [until January 7th] for Christmas, she joined us! We watched 'Frozen' THE cheesiest thing ever. Too much singing. But that little snowman comedian made it bearable, at least for cousin Haz and I, the girls looooved it. 

Christmas Day with the Clarks and the rest of the family was brilliant, having everyone round is always the best. Got some awesome clothes, shoes (nice sexy shoes) and loadsa money so what a top crimbo. It was especially nice as myself and one of my sisters Rosie have 2 Christmases every year, one with the mother on Christmas Day, and a dad Christmas with the Clarks up in Hertfordshire, awesome as always. 

New Year's was great, as it's always my sister's birthday New Year's Eve so it's always a double celebration/party! Few people came round to join in. 
I'm not going to even get into the fact I'm 24 this year. Gulp. Hope everyone else had a great Christmas/new year! (Bit late with the post about it Tom, god).

P.s The annual sprout was disgusting, as always. 

Enjoy some Christmas/December/New Year's snaps 

Sunday 15 December 2013

Murray Mania!

After being a huge fan since he burst into the scene (years and years ago now) I was delighted to see the one and only sensational Brit Andy Murray to win the BBC Sports Personality of the Year award! There was no doubt really. 

I remember watching the US Open final he won back in 2012 against Djokovic and because it was live in America the match was televised much much later for us Englanders. Knowing I had college the next day, I still watched the entire match, it was a long long incredible 5 setter and didn't finish until 4am, but I had to witness history and see Murray win his first Grand Slam! I was tired but in no way regretted it! He was the first Brit to do so in decades for god's sake!! It was incredible. 

So it was no doubt after watching him also win gold medals in the men's singles and silver in the mixed doubles at the London Olympics (which I was watching in Portugal) that I, and the entire nation of England, watched him in the Wimbledon final back in July nervously and proudly. 

He gave us all a worrying time in the rounds to the final being one set away from getting knocked out to looking like he's got a fresh injury, but in the final against Djokovic, he was world class. I remember when it was match/championship point myself and my mum and sisters and step dad were glued at that moment possibly witnessing new history after 70+ years of wait (Fred Perry being the last Brit male to win Wimbledon). And when he did it, a huge joy from myself erupted! Huge moment and achievement, absolute brilliance. Especially against Novak!

So after winning the first Grand Slam, and gold medals at the London Olympics, and with the big'un Wimbledon added, he definitely deserved SPOTY this year, and like I said there was no doubt. Wimbledon alone was the icing on the cake that did it, as it's OUR trophy/Grand Slam/tournament! Hopefully next stop more grand slams or number one for himself.. After the back surgery recovery of course! 
Hurry up new tennis season starting with Aussy Open! 

Andy Murray. Champion. British. Two Grand Slams. Brilliance. 

Thursday 12 December 2013

Ordering a Chinese when..

Sat in the Chinese Thursday night and two of the loudest women ever kept asking the lady taking their order what specific words are translated into in Chinese. 

The top 3:
3.) "What is 'chicken balls' in Chinese?" 
2.) "What is 'yes' in Chinese? 
1.) "What's 'Malaysia' in Chinese?"

Safe to say the Chinese lady felt like shooting herself after their incredibly loud laughs, but she did well considering. I was pretending to text so I didn't make eye contact, they seemed like the type to talk to you for hours and make you go out of your mind with their over the top laughs and questions... Which they did... But to the poor Chinese lady. 
Give her a raise.

For all that are wondering: sweet and sour chicken balls and chips


Usually by this time of the year I'm not my usual self when it comes to organisation. Often I cbf buying all the presents for the family until a week or half a week before the 25th.

Not this year though, as I have all the presents bought and delivered (big shout out to eBay and Amazon, cheers guys) by the end of Movember. Incredible. All I have to do is get the Bah Humbug hat out and wrap the presents up (master of wrapping btw). 

Had a tough time last year feeling shit and miserable over the Christmas up until January, but won't get into it. At least I won't be overthinking and crushing myself emotionally this Christmas. 

Especially love the fact the Xmas films come out, with my faves Jingle All the Way with Arnold and Muppet Christmas Carol, and Elf! Stored on Mac every year until they're unleashed every 23rd-26th December. Not forgetting the big crimbo hits from Shakin' Stevens and Slade to The Darkness. Classics. 

One awesome thing about this crimbo is my aunty, who moved to Australia in 2009, is visiting for 2-3 weeks! Haven't seen her since she gave me the Vw Polo Warrior back in the day (all about the Vw Golf now.. Coming up to a year with her! I'm sure there'll be a blog post on that). 

Especially looking forward to seeing the dad-Clark side of the family for the annual Boxing Day tradition in Hertfordshire. Love it. Big up the big Clark fam. 

Best hunt for the Bah Humbug hat. 

Thursday 5 December 2013


Just played some badminton with the mother, we play every Thursday night and I love it. It was tennis every week but now the weather is ridiculously cold and wet, decided on an indoor alternative.

Played and loved badminton ever since year 7 at high school. I remember me and my friends joining the after school badminton club and dominating everyone there, haha. I'll never forget the time I got a full shuttle cock right at my face by my friend Betts; we did nothing but laugh. Good times. 

I have my own racket which I've had for 9, yes 9 years and it doesn't look a day older (despite my younger self throwing it in anger many a time) .. I need to invest in a new grip however, forever blistering

Wednesday 4 December 2013

One more [sad] thing..

I didn't mention one thing that happened over the summer that absolutely crushed me.. The passing of my beloved hound Jess. I don't really talk about it and when someone says her name I just go silent and sad.. But here it goes:

It was around mid July time before Portugal (horrible timing) when she was looking uncomfortable, we later found out she had an aggressive tumour underneath her. She was so brave and soldiered on like it wasn't there whatsoever, it was only when she 'went' after putting her down that she yelped in pain, which showed how much pain she was in at the time.

It was devastating for all of us, but I was a mess for weeks, and cherished the last 4 days of her before the dreaded 'appointment' every pet owner wants to avoid. She went peacefully, and I was the last thing she saw, with puppy beside me (who has grown a lot and now the dog of the house) I had to be there, she was my best friend, my world, my Jess, my dog. She couldn't of asked for a better 10 and a half years. 

She did have an operation 3 years ago to remove a tiny tumour, so she lived a long and great life. I think of her and miss her everyday. 'Jess' Field' and 'Jess' Track', which I always jog on, I always do a little gesture to remember her.. Sad I know but I always think of her. Must of taken 1000s of dog walks on those fields, they will forever be hers. 

RIP Lovely Jess

It's been a while..

It's been a long while since I last blogged a post, and a lot has happened! 

Firstly, I did finish that mahoosive dissertation for my degree, a whole 10,000 words and most importantly, I GOT THE DEGREE!! A very pleasing 2:2! I was/am still ecstatic with that grade. My mum and dad especially were very proud, huge support throughout but as for myself it still hasn't sunk in! The fact that it's all over and that I have a BSc (Hons) Degree in Business Computing, incredible. The graduation day itself was brilliant and emotional with mum and dad attending; [see photo] and the fact my gown [and hat] combo were comfortable apart from the green 'V' which kept falling down!! Especially walking up to collect my certificate, hilarious yet annoying. The best and worst part was saying goodbye to my classmates and goodbye to our awesome tutor Karen, without her I would of been screwed. She 'got' me, unlike a lot of other tutors/teachers in the past. I'll end my education 'journey' and  6 years with CCN with: Farewell City College, thanks for the memories and friends from First Diploma, National Dip & the Degree! :) .. Education.. never again. 

Man Utd won the league, and the great legend Sir Alex Ferguson retired from management. Words wouldn't come close to how amazing he was as a manager. I, like very few Utd supporters, am PATIENT in Moyes, he will come good. Despite this poor start! We're a very patient club. It'll take him a year or two. 

That's not all that happened, I had a very immense and sexual holiday to my second home Portugal. I WILL move there one day, mark my words, I will make it my future home. 

But right now, I can't believe it's Christmas, and I especially cannot believe I have finished my Christmas shopping. I'm usually behind with that every year, but definitely in the mood this year! 
I better go hunt the comical annual "Bah Humbug" crimbo hat. Lul

P.s I'm back to blogging more regularly! Please follow my posts!