Friday 11 January 2013

(Hons) Degree in Business & Computing.. urgh

Deadlines deadlines deadlines. This year has so far been tough, assignments after assignments, and worst off all, the rest of the year (starting now) is the word I've been majorly dreading: DISSERTATION (sadface) Getting started on it all now with a 'interim report' dissertation itself is only 12,000 words.. no biggy D: all worth it in the end I suppose. And after 18 years of education (oh my god) I finally finish it all in May.

So that can only mean full time work, which, surprisingly I'm looking forward to.. I know I know, I'll regret saying it, but honestly can't wait to get earning money of my own; living off student loans and being in debt isn't fun at all.

That's life.

P.s Back to my football ways these days! Back to my 5 a-side team on Wednesdays and we beat last seasons champions and undefeated team (for months) 7-6!! And I got a hat trick!! Fitness is nearly 100% too. Roll on playing for Rocklands Utd FC again on Saturday!
Thought you would all like to be updated on my football/exercising.

Here's a picture of my new retro World Cup 1966 Bobby Moore England top that arrived through the post today.. LOVE