Friday 21 December 2012

Present Wrapping

I finished wrapping all my presents last night, and the most irritating thing is always losing the Sello Tape at the end of the tape; can never find it. Must of spent 3 minutes trying to get it for one of the presents, urgh.

But anyway, they're all under the tree ready for Tuesday :) I've been so organised with present getting this year.

Tonight we're off out to my nan's birthday meal which we do annually on this day, rarely see the cousins so it'll be nice! Us cousins have our own annual cinema trip tradition we've kept going as our uncle and aunt used to take all of us just before Christmas ever since we were all little'uns. That was until they moved to Australia; so we decided to keep the Christmas annual cinema cousins trip going!

My Christmas activities ladies and gentlemen. And here's our Xmas tree.