Sunday 15 December 2013

Murray Mania!

After being a huge fan since he burst into the scene (years and years ago now) I was delighted to see the one and only sensational Brit Andy Murray to win the BBC Sports Personality of the Year award! There was no doubt really. 

I remember watching the US Open final he won back in 2012 against Djokovic and because it was live in America the match was televised much much later for us Englanders. Knowing I had college the next day, I still watched the entire match, it was a long long incredible 5 setter and didn't finish until 4am, but I had to witness history and see Murray win his first Grand Slam! I was tired but in no way regretted it! He was the first Brit to do so in decades for god's sake!! It was incredible. 

So it was no doubt after watching him also win gold medals in the men's singles and silver in the mixed doubles at the London Olympics (which I was watching in Portugal) that I, and the entire nation of England, watched him in the Wimbledon final back in July nervously and proudly. 

He gave us all a worrying time in the rounds to the final being one set away from getting knocked out to looking like he's got a fresh injury, but in the final against Djokovic, he was world class. I remember when it was match/championship point myself and my mum and sisters and step dad were glued at that moment possibly witnessing new history after 70+ years of wait (Fred Perry being the last Brit male to win Wimbledon). And when he did it, a huge joy from myself erupted! Huge moment and achievement, absolute brilliance. Especially against Novak!

So after winning the first Grand Slam, and gold medals at the London Olympics, and with the big'un Wimbledon added, he definitely deserved SPOTY this year, and like I said there was no doubt. Wimbledon alone was the icing on the cake that did it, as it's OUR trophy/Grand Slam/tournament! Hopefully next stop more grand slams or number one for himself.. After the back surgery recovery of course! 
Hurry up new tennis season starting with Aussy Open! 

Andy Murray. Champion. British. Two Grand Slams. Brilliance. 

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